Why Choose Charter Plane Since Commercial Flights Are Set to Run in Full Capacity?

October 27th, 2021


You must have heard the news that commercial flights in India are now set to run in full capacity. With that, the airports will again be full. There will be a hustle bustle to the maximum again. Which means that there are chances of safety neglect, even if unintentional, but there are chances. This is the right time to prioritize your safety by booking an air charter company in India.

For example, if you have a business trip coming up, by choosing an air charter for business, you will have a luxury to reschedule the trip but with commercial flights, the only option is to either cancel or to not board the flight. This is one great advantage when flying private, you are your own boss.


  • Your journey, your schedule
  • Increased productivity
  • Total privacy
  • Safe and sound
  • Excellent service

Your Journey, Your schedule

Your take off and landing time will be as per your request, unlike commercial flights. When you book charter services in Delhi or anywhere else in India or even globally, you can decide your own timings. Suppose if the meeting that you have been attending has been rescheduled unexpectedly or took longer than it should, the charter plane gives you flexibility to board the flight according to your comfort and timing. When you book an air charter company in India, it is not uncommon to reroute or reschedule than what was initially requested.

Increased Productivity

It has been noticed that the productivity of the passenger is increased by 150% when travelling through a private jet. It is due to absence of layovers and in between airports. Private jet is also faster, hence you reach your destination quicker. You do not have to reach the airport two hour prior but can board just 15 minutes in advance. Apart from all these perks, unlike commercial flights, charter planes are quieter, you have enough room to sit back and do your pending tasks, attend a meeting or prepare for it. Privacy is never a concern in a private jet. Air charter for business is the best deal, it increases your productivity.

Total Privacy

This is given. When you book an air charter for business, you expect privacy and space to work and brainstorm and that is exactly what is served to you. There are no fellow passengers peeping into your work. No loud noises, no to and fro in the entire flight. You will have total space for you.

Safe and Sound

With the very nature of its existence, charter planes favor privacy and confidentiality. This also allows safety and for secret matters to not be out. Passengers on their way can discuss confidential or sensitive topics for their meeting without having to worry about it leaking. Private jets are obviously more secure.

Excellent Service

When you book air charter services in India, you can rest assured that you will get nothing less than perfect. There will always be a staff to assist you at all times. The catering in the flight will be as per your wishes. Everyone is just a call away. Unlike commercial flights, where you have to repeatedly call hospitality staff and due to high pressure, your calls are sometimes not answered. Private jets have no such issues.

Club One Air is an air charter company in India whose priority is you and your comfort. We do everything to make your journey pleasant and relaxing. To know more, you can visit our website.

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